Register to Vote - Your Voice Matters!

Do you feel strongly that teens should be able to get the health care and information they need to stay healthy - without restrictions or barriers in their way?

As a teen in California, you can get involved in issues that directly affect your health and well-being. Making your voice heard on issues you care about is important so you can help shape the world you want to live in and create.

Even if you’re not 18 yet, you can make a difference and spark positive changes for teens in California and beyond. If you are 18 or will be by the next election, don't forget to REGISTER TO VOTE!

California Election Deadlines

October 21st – Deadline to register to vote and receive a ballot by mail.

October 22nd – If you missed the deadline to register to vote, don’t worry! You can still register or re-register to vote at your county elections office, polling place, or vote center. Your ballot will still be processed and counted once your elections office has verified your voter registration. Find a polling place or ballot drop off location.

November 5th – It’s Election Day! You can vote in person or drop off your ballot until 8 pm.

2024 Endorsed Ballot Measures: Coming Soon